
On-Site Pricing

$40 per half-hour. No Fix, No Charge.

We offer a flat rate of $40 per 1/2 hour, charged in 1/2 hour blocks.

If we can't solve your issue, then there is no charge.

On-Site Pricing

$25 per half-hour. No Fix, No Charge.

If you bring your hardware to us, we charge $25 per 1/2 hour, charged in 1/2 hour blocks.

Again, if we can't solve it, there's no charge.

Remote Desktop Pricing

$20 per half-hour. No Fix, No Charge.

If the issue can be fixed remotely, and you are able to connect to the internet via that device, then we can help on-line.

Again, no fix, no charge.

Book an Appointment